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In masura in care considerati ca grupul #RomLink este interesant, sau util, adaugati-va rude, prieteni si colegi romi, si ne-romi pe care credeti ca i-ar interesa sa devina membri, sa primeasca informatii si stiri circulate pe grup, sa contribuie la randul lor la impartasirea de informatii cu si despre romi, sa participe si /sau sa initieze discutii relevante cu focus pe romi. Ii puteti aduga chiar voi, daca sunteti deja prieteni pe Facebook. Cum /unde? De pe pagina grupului (in dreapta, la sectiunea /casuta Adauga Membri, unde le scrieti numele si apar automat, dupa care ii adaugati). Puteti vizualiza si video-ul atasat acestei postari. Aven Roma'len! Usten Roma'len! Dati LIKE PAGINII RomLink pentru a va abona fluxului de postari privind romii, de pretutindeni.
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Scop RomLink: de a facilita interactiunea, comunicarea si colaborarea intre romi, precum si dintre romi si persoane care activeaza in societatea civil...
Grateful to witness again European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights's Director Michael O'Flaherty, and OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR)'s Director Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir commitment and resolve in supporting the plight of Roma people, expressed during the #RightsForum18. They consistently raise awareness about the dire situation of Roma in Europe and the pervasive racism and discrimination against them. At this Fundamental Rights Forum they urged and called upon states to respect and implement their international human rights commitments and those made repeatedly and in various frameworks in the past decade, internationally and nationally, with regard to Roma inclusion. Yet, Europe's reality for Roma is crude and inhumane. Many Roma continue to be pushed outside the civilized world, condemned to live an excluded life, on the fringes of society. Examples such as the one recorded in this video (in #Cluj-Napoca, Romania) are countless throughout Europe. People are forcibly evicted, without provision of alternative means, left under the open sky, often in the cold season. A great many commitments were made and strategies were elaborated and adopted in the past fifteen years in most of the countries that have Roma population, and yet, they fail to produce the needed and expected results. One may argue that inclusion seems to be an illusion, in a societal environment marred by racism and prejudice. On this background, the surge of populism and #exclusivenationalism, as correctly highlighted at the #RightsForum18 by Commissioner Jourová is not helping Roma inclusion efforts at all, quite the opposite actually. Despite all strategies, know-how, sound instruments and methods developed to equip the Roma inclusion efforts, Roma continue to be excluded from all walks of life. What is lacking, and should be central for any Roma-related intervention, is genuine resolve and political will from states to counter and eradicate the existing structural racism and discrimination (this is a paramount prerequisite), put a stop to the existing climate of impunity for hate-speech and hate-motivated crimes and violence against Roma, and genuinely provide Roma the chance to participate in all decisions and policies affecting them. I am confident that Europe's leadership will continue on this proper path of advocating for and supporting the rights of Roma, though I can only hope that this will be mirrored at the national levels, where the real change must happen... #RomaRights #HumanRights #RomaInclusion #stopforcedevictions #stopracism #nohatespeech #fundamentalrights

Rasism in actiune: evacuare fortata a romilor

Rusine! Rasism institutionalizat! Tocmai m-am intors in dimineata asta de la #RightsForum18 Forumul European pentru Drepturile Fundamentale, unde asistam la o sesiune (printre multe altele) care prezenta un proiect vizand romii din Pata-Rat. Printre statisticile prezentate se numara si faptul ca cca. 42% dintre cei cca. 1,500 romi din Pata-Rat au ajuns acolo in urma evacuarilor fortate. Apoi, alta statistica prezenta detalii cu privire la programul de locuinte sociale al Primariei Cluj-Napoca, conform careia, anual, municipiul ar aloca in jur de vreo 30 de astfel de case, insa lista de asteptare este undeva la 3,000 de cereri. Lasand la o parte criteriile de selectie (care pot face subiectul unei dezbateri serioase), probabil intrebarea cea mai importanta dintre toate care pot fi este urmatoarea: Cum isi permite municipalitatea, in conditiile in care capacitatea acesteia de a satisface nevoia de locuinte sociale este atat de limitata, sa evacueze fortat, sa continue aceasta practica rasista, abuziva si ilegala, de ai lasa pe astfel de oameni fara adapost, de ai impinge pe romi din lumea civilizata direct in salbaticie, pe rampa de gunoi sau in alte conditii improprii, periculoase si inumane? Alte intrebari legitime care se mai impun: a). Pana cand vor continua romii sa fie victime ale rasismului si a discriminarii institutionale si structurale? b). Pana cand vor continua structurile de stat sa se foloseasca, in mod abuziv, ilegal si imoral, de puterea si autoritatea conferinta prin lege, pentru ai discrimina si exclude sistemic si in mod sistematic pe romi din societate? c). Pana cand vor continua statul si autoritatile aceasta practica abuziva si ilegala de utilizare a institutiei politiei si a jandarmeriei ca instrumente de forta si opresiune impotriva romilor? d). Pana cand, statul si autoritatile vor continua sa uziteze un limbaj duplicitar, pe de-o parte simuland luarea de angajamente de respectare a drepturilor omului, de respectare si implementare a conventiilor internationale, respectiv de implementare a strategiilor Europene si a celor nationale cu privire la incluziunea romilor, iar pe de alta parte sa demonstreze contrariul, prin ignorarea sistematica a nevoilor de incluziune si de acces al romilor la drepturi cetatenesti si la justitie, prin esuarea in luarea de atitudine ferma si de pedepsire a cazurilor de discriminare, inclusiv a violentelor motivate rasial impotriva romilor? e) Oamenii astia (care comit astfel de abuzuri) s-au nascut fara inima? Sau, au pierdut-o in timp ce au fost expusi la un sistem educational si societal dezumanizant? #Rasism #Racism #stopforcedeviction #stopevacuation #antiroma #UstenRomalen #OpreRoma #RomaRights #HumanRights #policeabuse #accesstojustice #justicetoroma Căși sociale ACUM / Social housing NOW #JusticeForRoma #RomaExclusion #RomLink @RomLink

Ukraine's Roma living on fringes of society - BBC video

The Roma community faces discrimination in many countries. The UN has described them as being "among Europe's most excluded groups." Stories of families trying to eke out a living collecting plastic bottles or scrap metal and living in shanty towns are common. So too, especially recently, are stories of racist attacks. Zhanna Bezpiatchuk has been to Ukraine, where there has been a spike in the number of violent attacks on Roma camps. Producer: Camelia Sadeghzadeh Source:

Happy International Roma Day - 8 April!